company in Malta is a tempting option for many entrepreneurs. Malta is popular among entrepreneurs as it is built on the traditional Mediterranean approach to business. The main motivation for owning a company in Malta lies in the island’s preferential tax regime and the highly developed business services sector. The effective corporate tax rate in Malta is only 5%, thus making a company in Malta an attractive alternative to traditional jurisdictions. The country’s economic success builds on a competitive economy based on foreign capital, financial services, and the growing number of newly opened companies in Malta, increasing year on year.

As capital gains tax does not apply, Malta is one of the best jurisdictions for creating holding structures. Investors from all over the world use Maltese companies to control their assets. The official currency of Malta is the euro.

Call us! Our lawyers will be happy to answer your questions and advise you on the best place to start a company.

Is establishing a company in Malta a good idea?

When deciding to register a company in Malta, one should keep in mind that it will be cost-effective only for entities generating a yearly income exceeding EUR 100,000. That is the case due to the costs of its operation, the need to carry out an annual audit, and the tax refund system based on trading and holding companies. Companies in Malta that are Maltese tax residents are subject to local regulations and reporting. The basic CIT rate in Malta is 35%, and the effective tax rate for companies managed by non-residents is 5%. The local VAT in Malta is 18%.

The advantages of owning a company in Malta undoubtedly include English as the official language, which facilitates official communication, the Euro currency (although this is an advantage shared by all eurozone countries), and the Anglo-Saxon legal system.

When deciding to set up a company in Malta, one should take into account that Malta is not particularly esteemed worldwide and that business partners and tax authorities might treat Maltese companies as shell corporations.

Importantly, Malta wants to attract foreign businesses setting up companies in its territory. To open an ordinary business in Malta, one needs to have local residency; the income tax rate is 35%.

Benefits of running a company in Malta

A company in Malta – who can find it a good solution?

The decision on establishing a company in Malta should each time be considered individually. Our customers include:

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    Procedure for establishing a company in Malta


    How long does it take? Up to 14 days

    Scope of services offered to companies in Malta

    Thompson&Stein will provide your company in Malta with:

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